Sale No:
$300,000 Electric Scooters, eBikes, and Gokart Sale - Segway, Daxys, Xiaomi | Mascot | Pickup Only
28/09/2023 9:35 PM AEST
Sale Type: Online Auction
Start Time
22/09/2023 5:00 PM AEST
10% GST will be added to the final total
Ending From
28/09/2023 9:35 PM AEST
Buyer's Premium
17.5% + GST
Sale Location
Pickup - 32 Ricketty St, Mascot NSW

Please click on the first lot in the sale to learn more about the sale. A Third party can collect won Lots on your behalf from this sale. Please check each description, pick up location and item condition for details. You can book your pick up here.


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